Browsing Archive: November, 2016

Dr. Strange and Somatic Therapy

Posted by Setsuko Tsuchiya on Sunday, November 13, 2016, In : In Search of Somatic Therapy 
Yesterday, I went to see the movie, "Dr. Strange," starring Benedict Cummerbach (aka the new Sherlock Holmes). 

It was a fantasy, but I was surprised to see that it involved the body listening to the spirit, exactly what somatic therapy is all about. In my book, IN SEARCH OF SOMATIC THERAPY (Savant, in press), I wanted to expand my search to cover "listening to the soul" but that became such a huge project, I decided to keep my focus on my journey seeking what somatic therapy verses somatic (p...
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A Special Author "Aloha" and "Welcome" -

Posted by Setsuko Tsuchiya on Monday, November 7, 2016, In : In Search of Somatic Therapy 
As a new Savant Books and Publications author, it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to my author blog. Here's where you can find out everything literary about Setsuko Tsuchiya - Author. I also have a social blog which I share with my competition dance partner called "Futari blog" at

My work as a writer in English (Japanese is my first language) began when I moved to Hawaii and decided to advance my undergraduate education in dance at Thomas Edison State Universi...
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